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Matt Cave, M.D.

CTRB Room 507
Professor of Medicine

Dr. Cave is a physician-scientist spearheading research in environmental liver disease. His laboratory has multiple active and several pending NIH grants to support this research. The laboratory’s approach was recently reported by NIEHS as a “Story of Success” at In brief, the comprehensive approach utilizes traditional and molecular epidemiology approaches to identify chemicals and their putative mechanisms associated with chronic liver diseases in residential and clinical cohorts. Next, model systems are developed to dissect mechanisms and develop therapies. Dr. Cave is assisted by Russ Prough, PhD, former Biochemistry Chair in this research. With several new grants starting in the next year, including an exciting new R01 in precision medicine in partnership with Emory and IU, Dr. Cave is looking for motivated new students to help advance the understanding of how environmental exposures regulate hepatic metabolism, inflammation, fibrosis, and carcinogenesis. Through this translational research, trainees will be well-positioned to pursue careers in academia, regulatory agencies, and industry.

Personal Website
Matt Cave, M.D.
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