Nazarul Hasan, Ph.D.
HSC-A, Rm 602A
Assistant Professor,
My research goals broadly include deciphering the molecular mechanisms of depolarizing bipolar cells signal transduction and synaptogenesis in the retina. Precise connections between pre- and post-synaptic components and their correct morphology and functions are essential for normal synaptic transmission and vision. Leucine rich repeat proteins play important roles in trans-synaptic signaling. Mutations in many of the proteins at the photoreceptors to bipolar cells synapse result abnormal signaling that leads to a group of human diseases referred to as Congenital Stationary Night Blindness (CSNB). My research focuses on identifying new components of the depolarizing bipolar cells signaling cascade and determining the role of these components in retinal structure and function, specifically the role of leucine rich repeat proteins in the synapse formation. In our research we use a range of multidisciplinary approaches including gene cloning, NextGen DNA/RNA sequencing, ZFNs and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system for altering gene expression, assessing protein:protein interaction through mass spectrometry and proteomics. We develop mouse models for retinal diseases using transgenic approaches and do anatomical characterization of the retina using immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy, and rescue the protein expression and function through AAV, and assess retinal function by electroretinogram (ERG) in mouse models of retinal diseases.